Summary of Una Festa Per A Tots

You can relive now Una Festa Per A Tots!

After a few days of great excitement, party and also so much work by the part of all the commissions that make up the Federation of Special Faults, we can say that Una Festa Per A Tots was a success.

It is time to stocktaking these four intense days. We are proud to have repeated the preamble to the Fallas 2017 and to have filled with joy the fallero world and Valencia.

Our city was impregnated with the color, the scent of gunpowder, the faces of emotion of our falleras with the plantà, the presentation of the models of Fallas and the cremà (the burning night).

We would like to thank all the people who participated in the events, as well as those who at one point attended any of the events that made Una Festa Per A Tots.

omo guinda del pastel, dejamos este vídeo resumen de los actos más significativos de esta fiesta, con el que podréis disfrutar y revivir los mágicos momentos.

As the icing on the cake, we leave this video summary of the most significant events of this party. Enjoy and relive the magical moments!

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